Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yesterday we found out that 2 of us are leaving the Peace Corps. While we’ve only been together for 2 months, it’s amazing how close you can become in that short space of time. There has been a bond formed by all of us, even those we don’t know that well. We’ve been going through a tough, but amazing experience in our training, an experience that few others go through. So when 2 leave the group, it makes a difference.
Neither one of the two live in the same village as I do, nor are they in the same sector as I am. Yet I would see them on central days and occasionally talk to them. I do remember spending one evening with them having coffee at a house across the street from the hotel we first stayed at. None of us spoke Armenian at that point, but it was a good experience and one we laughed about later on.
In a way it was good that yesterday was a central day, so we were all together and found out together. We had the chance to say goodbye to them, and to process the whole thing. Some of course were closer to them than others, but it still has an impact on us all. For me, it made me re-think my decision to join the Peace Corps, and reaffirm my decision to stay in Armenia. I admire the two of them for having the courage, first of all to join the Peace Corps, and then to leave when they knew it wasn’t for them. While they are each going their separate ways, I think they will always be a part of us.
We’ve finished our second week of model school, which was another good, but challenging experience. Going from the oldest to the youngest students was a hard switch. While they understand some English, their speaking ability is much less. We were able to play some games with them to reinforce the lessons, which was fun. Next week we switch to the middle age group.
At this point there is also a lot of paperwork to finish up with. Most of it is to check that we’ve been trying to integrate into our communities and sectors. Some is to see if we’ve understood what we’ve been taught in our tech sessions. With lesson planning and language lessons, it’s just very time consuming to add one more thing to the mix. But it will get done.
We have our last language proficiency interview two days before swearing-in, which is on August 13. We are supposed to reach a certain level of proficiency, which I think I’m at. It definitely is harder to learn a language the older you are. My mouth just doesn’t want to move in certain ways to form certain sounds. Our language teachers are being very good about scheduling individual lessons to help us review what we each need. In a way I’ll be glad to get the LPI over with.
For those of you who I gave my address to, check with your post office for the proper way to write the address. Most times you use the correct form for the country from which you are sending it.

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